Sunday, September 7, 2014

Be prepared to be wrong

I thought the video that was shown in class was very interesting. I felt that many of the things that the speaker talked about were indeed true. Nevertheless, the phrase that had the most impact on me was: “be prepared to be wrong”. When I think about how a creative idea takes form, it almost always assuredly comes with risks; therein I think the counsel to be prepared to be wrong comes in. To me, being creative is trying out new things, trying things that are innovative and unheard of, novel in nature, and useful both for the individual and for everyone else and, therefore, there is always the question whether our creative endeavors are indeed valuable, or even novel. Sometimes we shrink away from our ideas for the fear that they might be deemed of little value, or that they won’t be appreciated, maybe we even doubt whether it is creative at all, and we worry about what others might think. The speaker related this mostly to the field of the arts, but I think this principle can be applied in every other single field of knowledge and learning; we can find creativity everywhere, and often I have seen that people that are successful in their fields has a lot to do with their potential and ability to be daring and courageous when it comes to creativity. So, echoing the words of the speaker, I believe we should to a certain extent, foster always an atmosphere in which people can bring out the best of themselves through their ideas, and not squander them, or squander ourselves. We will not always be successful but then again there are always things to learn from our defeats.

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