Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Gospel will fll the Earth

I do believe, as is discussed in class, that many of the technological advancements of our day have been inspired by God. Not only are these innovations improving and enhancing our lives, but more importantly, these changes are allowing for the Gospel to be spread in all the world. I personally loved the address given by Elder David B. Haight, which illustrates another way in which technology has allowed us, the members of the Church, to contribute to the building of the Kingdom of God through family history. When I think about it, I can clearly see all the pieces that God has slowly put together to facilitate this work: with the advent of computers and the internet, absolutely anyone with the desire, a computer and the internet can do family history work anywhere. This is so exciting to think about! We no longer need to go to a family history center, we no longer need to peruse through endless files in search names, but now we can with some little typing find the information of our ancestors from our homes, and share all this data with millions of members all around the world, which in turn will also help build our own genealogy. Now, what does this mean to us? Is this not the time which has been appointed to us? Is this is not the time in which the Lord has made this task the most accessible for his children? I believe this is something serious for all of us to think about and to act upon, for in the last day we shall be accountable for it.

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