Monday, November 10, 2014

Women in Computer Science, or any science

While it is true that sometimes women are treated the wrong way in work environments that are mostly dominated by men, I do not believe this is the only or the dominant reason as to why women "avoid" these careers. As a matter of fact, I believe there could be a dozen of other reasons as to why women decide to pursue other careers. One of these reasons might be that women are inherently less interested in those fields, and prefer other careers that suit their abilities and preferences better, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. At the end of the day, men and women are different. This is something we learn from the Gospel. Now, by this I do not mean that women should not pursue careers in science or engineering, or that none of them are suited for such careers; many of them are talented and more than qualified for them, sometimes even more than some men. My desire is that we, as men, can welcome them openly and without prejudice, and that we disallow any improper behavior towards them; what I do not wish is to try to artificially get women to pursue these careers out of what some people call "equality".

1 comment:

  1. Very well stated. I especially liked your last statement about "artificially" getting women into technology related careers. Two thumbs way up.
